Ruia Chemicals

Ruia Chemicals Blogs - FRP Technology

FRP Technology – Advantages & Applications

What is FRP?

Fibre / Glass Reinforced Plastic popularly known as “ FRP ” or “ GRP ” is a composite material employing Fibreglass and Resin as its basic components. It is similar in construction to Reinforced Cement Concrete.

Its basic components are:

FibreglassGlass Fibres are placed in a particular orientation providing the required Strength.
ResinResin having high adhesion to glass, acts as the binding matrix.
The type of Resin governs the corrosion resistance properties of the laminate.

Advantages of FRP

1. Corrosion Resistance:

FRP Products have longer life with zero corrosion and very high resistance to severe chemical environments. This means no coating, lining, cathodic or anodic protection, leading to zero maintenance and lower overall project costs.

2. High Strength to Weight Ratio

FRP offers higher ratio of strength to weight than that of all other conventional construction materials like steel and other metals. This translates in High Strength, lighter and cheaper structures. Further, it reduces Logistical and Handling costs, reducing overall project overheads.

3. Excellent Flow Properties / Smooth Inner Surface

FRP Pipes have smoother inner surfaces than steel. (Hazen William coefficient = 150).
This lowers the head loss in pressure applications, leading to smaller pipe sizes, better hydraulic properties, lesser pumping costs and pump rating, ultimately lowering project costs considerably.

4. Design Flexibility

FRP technology offers a unique feature that strength is imparted in the direction of orientation of the Fibres. This enables engineers to optimally design materials as per strength requirements, thereby considerably lowering product costs.

5. Good Electrical Properties

FRP is a good insulator. It is widely used a dielectric. Its electrical properties are desirable for underground cables, street poles, High Transmission Line insulators etc.

6. Easy Repair

FRP Products are easy to repair at site and virtually maintenance free. They offer a long economic and trouble free service life. They are clearly the ideal products for the new age of plastics.


Owing to the above advantages, FRP technology has found in-roads into practically every industry. It has major applications in the following industries: vantages, FRP has found in-roads into practically every industry. It has major applications in the following industries:

  • Aerospace
  • Defense
  • Building & Construction
  • Transportation & Marine
  • Electrical
  • Industrial Appliances
  • Chemical
  • Oil & Natural Gas
  • Water Supply, Sanitation, Irrigation
  • Miscellaneous

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